My thought in cage, I tried to crawl up

why am i here........

morning has been more difficult to wake up's weird since i can wake up early for one moment and then i start feeling exhausted and go back to sleep until ...ig close to noon time..???

school has started, and i am away from home. it's harrowing for me to wake up early more often, at least somewhere at 6 p.m. i need to stop getting in the habit of staying up late now, but i just don't want to.

inside of my mind started to harbor inner self just kept thinking, "why are you doing this? you don't know how to do these things?" i honestly don't know...

lot's of thoughts about my uncertainty when the school season has started. anything from a certain person that i am slightly scared to interact with to my genuine fears of my art portfolio review...these thoughts worried me so that i needed some entertainment in my life to keep me sane. it's not wrong for me to treat myself if i get nervous???